25 March, 2012 “Gyümölcsoltó” Lady’s Day Békéscsaba: Böjte Csaba (The founder of St. Ferenc Foundation from Déva) visited the coordinating centre of PannonForras Cluster. (Picture1; Picture2; Picture3, Picture4)
February- April 2012 Budapest: coordination meeting between membership organizations of PannonForrás Cluster in order to apply for Social Renewal Operational Programmes 2.2.4 project and Bethlen Gábor Found projects.
November 2011- January 2012 Nagykapos, Beregszász, Szatmárnémeti, Székelyudvarhely, Magyarkanizsa, Békéscsaba, Budapest: create database of adult trainers, experts in the Carpathian Basin behalf of Employment Office financed by Social Renewal Operational Programmes 1.3.1 project “Without Borders” the Kossuth Radio’s Show: 10 January 2012 18:30 (Folberth Péter, the chairman of Foundation for Regional Knowledge Networks, statements about the database creation) (Interview)
22 November 2011 Kecskemét: Session of Parliament’s Nation Togetherness Committee in the directorate of Türr István Training and Researcher Institute. (http://www.krkk.hu/?r=1103&c=1363)
October, November 2011 Beregszász, Magyarkanizsa, Sepsiszentgyörgy: in the Carpathian Basin unified renewable energy course starts which is financed by Bethlen Gábor Found.
9 September 2011 Békéscsaba: Building energy trainings are coordinated with jobs creation unified extension in the Carpathian Basin. Workshop with the representatives of Ukrainian, Slovakian, Transylvanian, Serbian and Hungarian enterprises.
17 June 2011 Békéscsaba: Bencsik János Climate and Energy Secretary of State’s visit at the coordinating centre of PannonForrás Cluster (Picture), (News report of Csaba TV)
3 June 2011 Beregszász: Initiation of coordination with the representatives of Ukrainian enterprises in order to Ukrainian extension of job creation building energy programme. (Picture)
20-22 May 2011 Magyarkanizsa: Coordinated network development trainings in Carpathian Basin Cluster conference financed by Homeland Foundation, organized by CNESA Training and Cultural Institution. (Photo1,Photo2; Photo3; Photo4)
15-16. April 2011 Békéscsaba: Carpathian Basin ecological conference financed by Homeland Foundation
25 March 2011 Békéscsaba: Signature of cooperation agreement between the PannonForras Cluster and the Seven borders Self-governing Association
18-19 February 2011 Szováta: PannonForrás Cluster meeting and workshop
10. December, 2010 Békéscsaba: General assembly of PannonForras Cluster. Acceptance of long term strategy.
18. November, 2010 Békéscsaba: Meeting of PannonForras Cluster Governing Board. Preparation of cluster general assembly in December.
29 Oktober, 2010 Békéscsaba: Consultation about extension of cooperation system between networks, clusters with local governments. Improvement of PannonForrás Cluster and SEVEN BOARDERS Cross Boarder Local Governing Association in the Carpathian Basin connection. (Photo1; Photo2)
7-8 Oktober, 2010 Békéscsaba- Kecskemét- Németújvár: Carpathian Basin training development working group on energy’s programme of the PannonForras Cluster is in Burgenland. The study of the self-sufficient energetics model financed by the Homeland Foundation (Participients)
September, 2010 Publication of future based knowledge integrated system in the Carpathian Basin of the PannonForras Cluster in Adult training 2010/3 issue.
August, 2010 Békéscsaba-Budapest: The emphasized project proposal of the PannonForras Cluster to the economic development programme in the Carphatian Basin of the New Széchenyi Plan.(Emphasized project proposal Hungarian)
July, 2010 Békéscsaba-Tusnádfürdő: Proposal to the new area of the nation policy, the first, future based development programme in the Carpathian Basin. (Nation policy proposal 20100707 Hungarian)
3-4 June, 2010 Nagykapos, Beregszász (Ukraine): renewable energy partnership building forum in Ukraine and Slovakia participation with business, governments and the regional centres of PannonForras Cluster financed by the Homeland Foundation.
23 April, 2010 Vienna: Introduction of the working group of PannonForras Cluster and the Carpathian Basin regions in the Central European vocational and adult education conference.
January-May 2010 Training programmes of the members of PannonForrás Cluster in Slovakia, Ukraine, Partium, Transylvania, Serbia and the South Great Plain financed by the Homeland Foundation. The implementation of Social Renewal Operational Programme 2.2.4 projects coordinated by the Training Centre in Békéscsaba and the Training Centre in Kecskemét continuously throughout this year. (www.pannonstart.hu, www.hunetwork.eu)
12-13 November, 2009 Kecskemét (Hungary): 5th Anniversary of PannonForrás Adult Training and Services Network. Meeting of the Board. Foundation of the "First Development and Knowledge Management Cluster in the Carpathian Basin". Meeting of the members of Network, foundation of the cluster. Workshop for establishing the strategy of the cluster.
July, August 2009 Illyefalva, Csíkszereda, Székelyudvarhely, Kolozsvár, Nagyvárad, Nyíregyháza, Békéscsaba: Partnership meetings and workshops in order to plan training and enterprise development projects co-financed by the European Union which are available in Transylvania and in Hungary.
25 June 2009 Békéscsaba (Hungary): The first presentation of development and training programme system on the Carpathian Basin level publication called “Standard adult training in the Carpathian Basin network”. Nagykapos, Beregszász (Ukraine): renewable energy partnership building forum in Ukraine and Slovakia participation with business, governments and the regional centres of PannonForras Cluster financed by the Homeland Foundation.
14 May 2009 Székelyudvarhely (Transylvania/Romania): Regional meeting in Transylvania of training, business development and innovation networks' cooperation forum in the Carpathian basin.Publication of future based knowledge integrated system in the Carpathian Basin of the PannonForras Cluster in Adult training 2010/3 issue.
16-18 April 2009 Magyarkanizsa (Serbia): PannonForrás network building workshop. Determining the strategy of the renewable energy based economy development and its cooperation system in the Carpathian Basin with participation of networks and clusters
27-28 March 2009 Magyarkanizsa (Serbia): PannonForras Conference in Vojno organized by the CNESA Institution for Education and Culture and financed by the Homeland Found. Establishing common future of adult training and economy development. Between networks and clusters initiation of cooperation in the Carpathian Basin toward developing a renewable energy based economy zone. /participants1,participants2/
4 March 2009 Budaörs (Hungary): Creating a strategic partnership for a knowledge and innovation based economic zone in the Carpathian Basin with network building organizations and clusters. (CHIC Central Hungarian Innovation Centre, Budaörs; ArchEnerg Regional Cluster for Renewable Energy and Building trade, Szeged; Havaria Environment and Health Technology Cluster, Szeged) /New partnership/
January-May 2009 ""Unified adult training in the Carpathian Basin network" aligned training programme of the PannonForrás Network regional consortium in Upper Hungary, Sub-Carpathia, Partium, Transylvania, Vojvo and in the South Plain financed by the Homeland Found.
12 December 2008 Békéscsaba (Hungary): opening meeting of the regional project leaders, workshop at Carpathian basin level, financed by the Homeland Foundation.
29-31 October 2008 Békéscsaba (Hungary): Workshop for developing unique, competence based curricula for the Carpathian basin in the field of health and social care, tourism, project management and for Transylvania for wild animal breeder, financed by the Homeland Found. (participants)
10-11 October 2008 Csíkszentdomokos (Transylvania/Romania): Workshop for development a hunter training programme in Seclerland.
18-20 September 2008 Kecskemét (Hungary): Experience change programme of instructors from Vojvodina and South Great Hungarian Plain, aiming the PannonForrás offer enlarging by industrial training courses.
12 September 2008 Békéscsaba (Hungary): Workshop for development a training assistant programme financed by the Homeland Found.
13-15 August 2008 Békéscsaba (Hungary): team leader specialist (trainers) training and developing workshop with participants of Upper Hungary, Sub-Carpathia, Partium, Transylvania and Vojvodina. Co-financed by Homeland Found.
11-14 July 2008 Marosvásárhely, Székelyudvarhely, Csíkszereda, Csíkszentdomokos, Sepsiszentgyörgy (Romania): consultation with the transylvanian local government executives about the possibilities of the cooperation.
25-27 June 2008. Békéscsaba (Hungary):network workshops to summerize the experiences and to define new objectives. Exchange of experience of social, turistic and project management instructors and trainers at Caroathian basin level. Co-financed by Homeland Found.
16 February 2008. Beregszász (Ukraine) : start of the first Carpathian basin level unified adult raining programmes (Health and Social Care START and Turistic Service START) organized by the II.Rákóczi Ferenc Carpathian basin Hungarian College, co- financed by the Homeland Found.
28 February - 2 March 2008 Békéscsaba (Hungary): unified preparation at Carpathian basin level of project management instructors (training of trainers), co-financed by the Homeland Found.
1-3 February 2008 Gyula (Hungary): network level project planning for obtaining direct Brussels founds and quality management workshop.
February-May 2008 Unified project management training at Carpathian basin level for the staff of the Information Offices in the PannonForrás regional network centres (Nagykapos/Slovakia, Beregszász/Ukraine, Nagyvárad, Székelyudvarhely/Romania) co-financed by the Homeland Found.
February 2008 Jointly developed at Carpathian basin and unified adult training programmes (Health and Social Care SRART and Turistic Service START) int he PannonForrás regional network centres (Galánta, Nagykapos/Slovakia, Beregszász/ Ukraine , Székelyudvarhely, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Illyefalva/Romania, Magyarkanizsa, Topolya/Serbia) co-financed by the Homeland Found.
18-20 January 2008 Békéscsaba/Hungary: training programme and unified preparation for trainers at Carpathian basin level, co-financed by the Homeland Found.
17-20 January 2008 Békéscsaba/Hungary: unified methodological preparation of the social care and turistic teachers at Carpathian basin (training of trainers), co-financed by the Homeland Found.
11 December 2007 Budapest/Hungary: announcement of the result of the applications jointly compiled by the PannonForrás organizations for the Homeland Found . Possibility for the first Carpathian basin unified network trainings (social care and turistic).
19-20 November 2007 Gyula/Hungary: presentation of the South Great Hungarian Plain's results of the HEFOP 3.5.1. Hungarian adult training project for the PannonForrás organizations int he Carpathian basin.
24-28 October 2007 Gyula/Hungary: practice of the network development project implementation. Further training for turistic and social care regional chief instructors.
19 October 2007 Gyula/Hungary: international closing conference of the South Great Hungarian Plain EQUAL project which supported the transregional network building.
4-6 October 2007 Békéscsaba/Hungary: further training for network trainers who lead team programmes.
21-22 September 2007 Gyula/Hungary: jointly definition of the turistic and social care pilot training module description. Workshop at Carpathian basin level.
22-26 August 2007 Gyula/Hungary:methodological preparation of the PannonForrás turistic and social care instructors.
19-22 July 2007 Illyefalva, Sepsiszentgyörgy/Romania: summary and dissemination of the network building experiences.
8 July 2007 Nagykapos/Slovakia: inauguration of the Gordius Training Centre of the Asociation of Nagykapos and its surrounding. (Photo1; Photo2; Photo3; Photo4; Photo5)
9-12 May 2007 Székelyudvarhely/Romania: network planning workshop. Editing of the final publication of the EQUAL-REGINET project, definition of the network quality management system, of the social care and mental health training, of the network training programme.
19-22 April 2007 Kolozsvár, Székelyudvarhely/Romania: preparation of the workshops of May and July. Presentation of the PannonForrás network int he international conference organized by the Transylvanian Hungarian Mental Health Association.
9 March 2007 Topolya/Serbia: Vojvodina adult training forum organized by the Serbian Telecottage Association.
2 March 2007 Galánta/Slovakia: Upper Hungarian adult training conference organized by the EUREG Civil Association and Association of Nagykapos and its surrounding.
21-25 February 2007 Székelyudvarhely/Romania: project planning workshop at Carpathian basin level.
15-16 December 2006 Kassa/Slovakia: project preparation workshop with the participation of the representatives of the Carpathian basin's regions.
27 October 2006 Békéscsaba/Hungary: signing of the cooperation agreement among the Foreign Language Secretariate of University of Pécs, Foundation for Regional Knowledge Networks and Amöba-Eurocenter Education Centre in order to spreading the ECL programme int he PannonForrás network.
4-8 October 2006 Szováta/Romania: PannonForrás network building workshop. Definition of resources assesment methodology and of turistic training system.
8 September 2006 Vienna/Austria: signing of cooperation agreement among the EBC*L's (European Business Competence Licence) European Board of Trustees, of its International Centre and of its Hungarian Representation and Foundation for Regional Knowledge Networks.
August-September 2006 Gyula/Hungary: further training for project managers of the PannonForrás network, co-financed of Apáczai Public Foundation.
August-October 2006 Gyula/Hungary: further training for the social workers of the PannonForrás network, co-financed by the Apáczai Public Foundation.
21-25 June 2006 Székelyudvarhely/Romania: network development workshop.
29 May 2006 Újvidék/Serbia: Vojvodina PannonForrás Conference organized by the Province Education and Culture Secretariate and by the Vojvodina Pedagogic Institute.
25 May 2006 Signing of cooperation agreement between ITD Hungary( Hungarian Investment and Trade Development Agency) and Foundation for Regional Knowledge Networks.
18 May 2006 Vienna/Austria: presentation of the PannonForrás network at the 1st European Congress of EBC*L. Chairman of the Foundation for Regional Knowledge Networks became the member of the EBC*L International Experts Council.
4-5 May 2006 Galánta/Slovakia: Upper Hungarian PannonForrás Conference.
27-29 April 2006 Sepsiszentgyörgy/Romania: workshop with the participation of all regional centres of the Carpathian basin (activity system, quality management, marketing).
3 March 2006 Gyula/Hungary: general assembly of PannonForrás. Establishment the organization of the network int he framework of the Foundation for Regional Knowledge Networks. Definition of the outside agreement strategy and current objectives.
February 2006 Budapest/Hungary: Submition of network development applications to the Apáczai Public Foundation
25-28 January 2006 Szeklerland/Romania: harmonizing of the annual network objectives with the szeklerland organizations of the PannonForrás
6 December 2005 Békéscsaba/Hungary: Emotional intelligence based „Natural Leader" seminar for the South Great Hungarian Plain partner organizations of PannonForrás with participation of Transylvanian trainers.
17 November 2005 Livorno/Italy: International cooperation agreement on the interpretation and development of the Carpathian basin adult training network building as a European model with Italian and Spanish partner sin the framework of the EQUAL-REGINET project,
3-5 November 2005 Beregszász, Nagydobrony, Nagykapos/Slovakia: Consultations with Sub-Carpathian and Upper Hungarian organizations ont he current questions of the network development. PannonForrás Upper Hungarian Conference.
29 September 2005 Székelyudvarhely/Romania: 3 days Carpathian basin network building workshop. Network basic principles, vision, mission, objectives and activity system. Name of the network: PannonForrás.
August 2005 Békéscsaba/Hungary: Compilation of transregional adult training network building project for the harmonization of the Hungarian and Romanian National development Plan (2007-2013).
July 2005 Szeklerland/Romania: Equal international opening conference. Network development workshop.
10 June 2005 Budapest/Hungary, Pozsony, Kassa/Slovakia: submition of harmonized Interreg IIIA common project by the leading of the North Hungarian Regional Training Centre with participation of Upper Hungarian and Sup Carpathian partners.
20 May 2005 Budapest/Hungary: submition of common Interreg III A project with Hungarian and Vojvodian partners.
10-11 May 2005 Miskolc/Hungary: Interreg III A project preparation workshop int he North Hungarian Regional Training Centre with Upper Hungarian and Sub Carpathian partners.
3-4 May 2005 Békéscsaba/Hungary: finalization of the Interreg III A application with Vojvodian and Partium partners.
20-23 April 20 Kolozsvár, Székelyudvarhely, Csíkszereda/Romania: harmonization about the Transylvanian component of the EQUAL European Community Initiative's South Great Hungarian Plain project.
9 April 2005 Nagyvárad/Romania: project preparation workshop int he Partium Christian University.
5 April 2005 Újvidék/Serbia: Interreg project preparation discussion with Vojvodian and Partium organizations.
21 March 2005 Miskolc/Hungary: harmonization of Interreg applications int he North Hungarian Regional Training Centre with Upper Hungarian and Sub Carpathian partners.
4-5 March 2005 Békéscsaba/Hungary: strategic harmonization of the Carpathian basin partnership. Establishment of the coherent programme system (2005-2007)
14-19 February 2005 Békéscsaba/Hungary: Androgological basic teaching of Szeklerland agrarian experts in the Regional Training Centre of Békéscsaba.
4-18 February 2005 Békéscsaba, Mátészalka/Hungary: Interreg preparation conferences with Partium participants.
13 January 2005 Budapest-Békéscsaba/Hungary: publication of the Equal Community Initiative project results. Development partnership lead by the Regional Training Centre in Békéscsaba could start the implementation of the „EQUAL-REGINET Regional Job Protection Network" project. Preparation for the transnational cooperation.
17 December 2004 Budapest/Hungary: first meeting of the Carpathian basin partner organizations. Harmonization of current common application possibilities.
19 November 2004 Miskolc/Hungary: Interreg application preparation meeting int he North Hungarian Regional Training Centre with Upper Hungarian and Sub Carpathian participants.
November 2004 Békéscsaba/Hungary: compilation of the network concept of the Carpathian basin Adult Training Area with Sub Carpathian and Vojvodian organizations. Establishment of the Carpathian basin partnership.
2 October 2004 Bregdaróc/Ukraine: meeting with Sub Carpathian organizations. Start of the spreading of the Szeklerland regional adult training model int he Carpathian basin.
October 2004 Békéscsaba/Hungary: compilation of the regional network concept of the Carpathian basin Adult Training Area and its harmonization with Upper Hungarian, Sub Carpathian and Vojvodian organizations. Establishment of the Carpathian basin partnership.
September 2004 Békéscsaba/Hungary, Kolozsvár, Erdőszentgyörgy, Illyefalva/Romania: compilation of Szeklerland adult training strategy co-financed by the Apáczai Public Foundation.
July 2004 Szeklerland/Romania: establishment of the Szeklerland adult training network.
29 April 2004 Székelyudvarhely/Romania: signing of the European interregional partnership agreement among Regional Training Centre of Békéscsaba (Hungary), CIVITAS Foundation, Kis-Küküllő Territorial Association, LAM Foundation (Romania), Promei Public Ltd, Foundation for Regional Knowledge Networks (Hungary), ELPENDU Association of Social Cooperatives (Italy)