PannonForrás Első Kárpát-medencei Fejlesztési és Tudásklaszter |
Results of projects - “Assistance for network building proposal related to education, training, talent improvement and resource programmes in the Carpathian Basin” programme financed by the Homeland Foundation. “Adult training developers’ training in Carpathian Basin network” project (2010) - Homeland Foundation “Cooperation of adult, vocational training networks and talent centres” programme - ”From regions to regions. Adult instructors’ training in the Carpathian Basin” project (Regional Training Centre in Békéscsaba, 2010) - "Europe entertain you- Transregional vocational cooperation” project (Regional Training Centre in Kecskemét, 2010) - Social Renewal Operational Programmes 2.2.4 Cross board cooperation in the field of vocational training and adult training. - PannonForrás in fling – Knowledge transfer and adult training development in transregional network project (Regional Training Centre in Békéscsaba (2009-2010)) - Through one life and two boarders- share the good practises of Life Long Learning between the neighbouring EU member states (Regional Training Centre in Kecskemét, 2009-2010) - Homeland Foundation “Further development of labour market orientated unified adult training programmes, instructors’ training and cross boarder implementation of pilot training with network cooperation” programme. “Unified adult training in the Carpathian Basin network” project (2009) - Educational, training, talent improvement network building and resource aquisition in practice programme financed by the Homeland Foundation. Adult training network building in the Carpathian basin project, (2008) - Support of the adult training programmes of beyond the frontier Hungarians financed by the Homeland Foundation. Project knowledge and training for vocational teachers in adult training network project. (2008) - Suport of training and further training programme financed by the Apáczai Public Foundation for Education of Beyond Frontier Hungarians. Training of social instructors for programme and curricula development project. (2007) - Transfer of European Union knowledge programme financed by the Apáczai Public Foundation for Education of Beyond Frontier Hungarians. Training of application maker assistants of the adult training network project. (2007) - Support of training and further training programme financed by the Apáczai Public Foundation for Education of Beyond Frontier Hungarians. Training of village and farm caretaker network instructors project (2006) - Support of EU knowledge transfer 1st programme of the Apáczai Public Foundation for Education of Beyoond Hungarians. Training of aadult training network pplication makers project (2006) - Equal Community Initiative "E" theme. EQUAL-REGINET regional job protection network project\'s transnational component (2005-2007) - Phare-CBC Hungary-Romania Programme Small Project. IT based ECDL without frontiers (Békéscsaba-Arad 2004-2005) - Further training of educators, teachers and other experts in the field of vocational education and higher education programme financed by the Apáczai Public Foundation for Education of Beyond Frontier Hungarians. Training for rural development consultants in Seklerland project. (Székelyudvarhely, 2001) |